Lisa Hickey

My paintings are abstracted visions of the land and the sky in the natural world.  I look down from far above and I look up, each view generating frissons of remembrance.

From above I play with perspective to show bird’s-eye views of gridded and parceled landscapes using rich and seductive explorations of colour in combination with organic geometry. 

I use grids to encapsulate sections of the canvas, layering on, then scraping away thick, opaque layers or thin, transparent glazes.  I both reveal and conceal, offering the viewer a chance to look closer, dig around with their gaze; to excavate.

From below I abstract the images of sky, leaves and branches by blurring colours and playing with shadow and light to evoke evanescent memory and yearning, awakening in the viewer a feeling of calm, hope, and shelter. 

I play with vibrant monochromatic and analogous hues, tempered with luscious traces of complimentary colours in order to create both depth and luminosity. Using these dualities of colour and texture I hope to entice the viewer to pause and look closer – and perhaps remember.